Chilmong Cutlery

Chil-Mong is renowned for its brand to represent the finest Korean culture assets, As well as their excellence in handcrafted cultural items. As their motto goes by, 옻칠로 꿈꾸는 건강하고 아름다운 삶, which means “Dream of a healthy and beautiful life through lacquering”
옻칠 (Ottchil) is known as the lacquering technique, in which to preserve the wood from rotting and keep it waterproof. The Chil-Mong brand is known to only make each piece with the maximum sincerity during the process of crafting.
Being awarded the K-Ribbon Selection, only awarded by the government as an acknowledgement Chil-Mong as an excellent craftwork brand.It is a great honour for So Good K to be able to collaborate with Chil-Mong, to bring the finest pieces of Korea culture here. We promise to give also the maximum sincerity along with Chil-Mong to share the finest Korean culture with everyone.