Maesil Green Plum Collection
Since 2021, SoGoodK has been air-freighting Maesil plums every week in June, making SoGoodK a specialist in Maesil. For the best quality plums, this is the place to be.
Every year, Maesil 매실 is Air-flown weekly from the month of June, Maesil is highly valued in Korean cuisine and is used for making a variety of traditional foods and beverages.
Maesil is commonly used to make maesil-cheong (maesil syrup) and maesil-ju (maesil liquor). Maesil-cheong is a sweet syrup made by preserving the fruit in honey or sugar, and it is often used as a condiment, flavoring agent, or natural sweetener. Maesil-ju, on the other hand, is a traditional Korean liquor made by fermenting the fruit with sugar and water. It is known for its refreshing and aromatic qualities.